Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) in Shreveport

One of the earliest places aging becomes apparent is around the eyes. Wrinkles and fine lines can prematurely age the face. Excess fat deposits and sagging skin around the eyes can make people look older, more tired, or even constantly angry. These conditions can significantly impact the quality of life for some people.

Dr. Bridges offers eyelid surgery (also known as blepharoplasty or an eyelid lift) to address these concerns for patients in the Shreveport, Alexandria, Longview, Tyler, and Texarkana areas.

Table of Contents
What Are the Benefits of Eyelid Surgery?
Types of Eyelid Surgery
Blepharoplasty Recovery and Results
Frequently Asked Questions About Eyelid Surgery in Shreveport

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What Are the Benefits of Eyelid Surgery?

Opened Sightlines

Excess fat deposits or sagging skin on the upper eyelids can restrict the sightlines of some people. This can make it difficult to see. Eyelid surgery can treat this condition and restore a full range of vision to patients.

Opened Sightlines
Younger-Looking Eyes

Younger-Looking Eyes

The effects of droopy eyelids and excess fat under the eyes can make patients look older than they really are. An eye lift can turn back the clock and restore their youthful appearance.

More Visible Expressions

As the signs of aging are removed, many people find their faces tend to look more open, friendly, and attractive. Being able to show your true emotions on your face can dramatically improve your quality of life.

More Visible Expressions

Types of Eyelid Surgery

  • Upper Eyelid Surgery

    Upper blepharoplasty is performed with the patient under local anesthesia.

    This procedure begins with an incision on the upper eyelid. This incision is artfully concealed within the natural crease of the eyelid to reduce the appearance of scars.

    Dr. Bridges will use small tools to delicately remove unwanted fat and excess skin from the upper eyelids. If necessary, sagging tissues can be raised and secured to ensure a more open eyelid contour.

  • Lower Eyelid Surgery

    Like upper eyelid surgery, lower blepharoplasty is performed under local anesthesia to ensure patient comfort.

    Lower eyelid surgery may use incisions along the lower lash line or inside the eyelid. In either case, scarring will be difficult to detect.

    Dr. Bridges will remove excess fat through the incision and tighten loose tissues below the eyes.

  • Combining Eyelid Surgery With Other Cosmetic Procedures

    An eyelid lift surgery may be combined with surgical or non-surgical procedures, such as:

Blepharoplasty Recovery and Results


What Is Recovery Like After Eyelid Lift Surgery?

After blepharoplasty, patients should expect some swelling and discomfort around the eyes for a few days. Other symptoms may include irritated or dry eyes and slight bruising. Most of these symptoms are minor and can be treated with over-the-counter or prescription medications.

Most patients choose to stay home for seven to 10 days to recover. Patients can usually resume all normal activities within two weeks.


When Will I See My Eyelid Lift Results?

Most patients will see the initial results of their eyelid lift within two weeks as swelling resolves. The final results of blepharoplasty may take up to six weeks to become fully visible.

How Long Do Blepharoplasty Results Last?

Most patients will find that their eyelid lift results last between five and seven years. This may vary depending on the patient's level of sun exposure, weight changes, and other lifestyle and genetic factors.


Does Eyelid Surgery Leave Scars?

All surgical procedures leave scars, including eyelid surgery. However, Dr. Bridges is an expert in concealing the incisions in discreet locations around the eyes. This means that the scars caused by blepharoplasty will be difficult or impossible to see under most circumstances.

Patient Testimonials

"Dr Mac is absolutely the best cosmetic surgeon in the world to me. His staff is very friendly and helpful to all my needs and they do their homework. He and his crew are the best. I gained my self esteem back and it's a wonderful feeling when your appearance is 100% improved."

Read More Testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions About Eyelid Surgery in Shreveport

  • How much does an eyelid lift cost?

    The cost of an eyelid lift varies because each operation is customized to match the unique needs and goals of the patient. This means an accurate eyelid surgery price can only be provided following your consultation and assessment.

    Dr. Bridges will ensure you are well aware of your blepharoplasty cost before you schedule your surgery.

  • Am I a candidate for blepharoplasty?

    Anyone who is displeased with the appearance of their eyes due to sagging skin, bags and puffiness, or other tissue-based conditions is a potential candidate for eyelid surgery.

    Ideal candidates are in good health with realistic expectations for their results. If you have any diseases or medical conditions associated with your eyes, please inform Dr. Bridges during your consultation.

  • What will happen at my blepharoplasty consultation?

    If you are considering eyelid surgery, the first step is a consultation with Dr. Bridges. He will evaluate your eyelid condition, including the position of your eyebrows and the muscles around your eyelids, and recommend a treatment plan.

    During the consultation, Dr. Bridges will also answer any questions you have about the procedure. He will ensure you understand the expected results of blepharoplasty before you undergo surgery.

  • How can I prepare for my eyelid surgery?

    There are several steps patients can take in the weeks leading up to eyelid surgery to help the procedure go as smoothly as possible.

    Preparation steps include:

    • Quit smoking
    • Stop taking blood-thinning medications and herbal supplements
    • Avoid direct sunlight to ensure the treatment area is not sunburned or irritated during the operation
    • Arrange for someone to take you home after the procedure
    • Prepare a recovery area that does not expose your eyes to direct sunlight
  • Is eyelid surgery painful?

    Most patients do not report significant pain during or following eyelid surgery. Instead, patients most commonly report symptoms of irritation and discomfort. These symptoms are generally mild.

  • What's the best age for eyelid surgery?

    There is no age limit on getting an eyelid lift as long as the patient is over 18. Most patients choose to get an eyelid lift in their 40s, 50s, and 60s, but older and younger patients can benefit as well.

  • What are the risks of eyelid surgery?

    All surgical procedures come with some degree of risk. While complications are rare, they may occur.

    Potential complications associated with blepharoplasty include:

    • Infection
    • Poor reaction to anesthesia
    • Dry or irritated eyes
    • Damage to muscles around the eyes
    • Visible scarring
    • Blurred vision
    • Loss of vision
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