
Many people take pride in making sure they look their best. However, our bodies are known to develop unflattering changes as a result of aging, genetics, pregnancy, and significant weight fluctuations. Flabby areas of stubborn fat that seem impossible to get rid of with diet and exercise can make a person feel self-conscious about the appearance of their body.

I perform liposuction to transform my patients’ bodies and eliminate fat from troublesome areas like the back, abdomen, hips, and buttocks. Rather than simply removing fat, I perform liposculpting by combining various techniques to sculpt the body into more slender, attractive contours.

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What Can Liposuction Achieve?

Slimmer Body Contours

Pregnancy and weight gain can make patients feel that their overall figure looks flabby and misshapen. Liposuction eliminates localized fat deposits to enhance your body and produce a more sleek and slender appearance.

Slimmer Body Contours
Toned, Natural-Looking Results

Toned, Natural-Looking Results

With liposuction, I can remove stubborn fat below the skin so your muscle tone is able to show through. Your arms, thighs, and practically any area of the body can appear more defined with natural-looking results from liposuction.

Permanent Fat Removal

Liposuction can permanently reduce fat in multiple areas of your body; the removed fat cells will be gone for good. Following a healthy lifestyle after your procedure can also help you maintain long-lasting results so you can feel beautiful and confident.

Fat Removal

What Is the Liposuction Procedure Like?

  • Step 1: Injection of Tumescent Fluid

    After anesthesia is administered, a tumescent fluid is injected into the treatment area through a tiny incision. This fluid contains anesthetic agents and saline, and it limits bruising and blood loss.

  • Step 2: Suctioning Out Fat Cells

    Next, a cannula (a hollow tube) is inserted through the incision to disrupt and remove the unwanted fat cells.

  • Step 3: Targeting Stubborn Fat With Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL)

    I then feel the area to determine whether fibrous lumps of fat remain. To eliminate these stubborn fat deposits, I use a power-assisted device that rapidly moves the liposuction cannula back and forth to break up the fibrous tissue and remove it.




Your recovery will vary based on the specific techniques used and the amount of fat removed. Following your surgery, you will be asked to wear a support garment for several months. Generally, my post-operative instructions call for plenty of rest and limited movement to speed up the healing process and reduce your recovery time.



Liposuction can provide long-lasting results that leave you feeling confident in your new figure. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and stable body weight can help preserve your results.



You may experience pain and discomfort after your surgery that can be treated effectively with oral medication.



Most incisions are placed in easily concealable locations, and any scarring that occurs will likely fade over time.

Patient Testimonials

"From scheduling to procedure to after care is a 10 plus I wouldn't go anywhere else."

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Liposuction FAQs

  • Am I a good candidate for liposuction?

    Ideal candidates for liposuction should be in good health and have realistic expectations. You will be asked to stop smoking for a few weeks before and after your procedure. Patients who are at or near their ideal weight tend to experience the best results.

  • What type of anesthesia will be used during my liposuction?

    Liposuction is performed on an outpatient basis under either general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation.

  • How long does liposuction take to perform?

    Liposculpting with liposuction can last several hours. The length of the procedure depends on the amount of fat to be removed.

  • Can I combine liposuction with other procedures?

    If you struggle with excess skin on the abdomen, combining your procedure with tummy tuck surgery can provide you with better results. Other body contouring procedures such as a body lift or arm lift can also be combined with liposuction.

  • How much does liposuction cost?

    The cost of your liposuction will depend on many factors, such as surgical fees, anesthesia fees, and the technique(s) used for your procedure. Our patient coordinator will go over pricing with you during your consultation.

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